Eelkool-Latehoid-Rahvusvaheline Lasteaed
Eelkool-Latehoid-Rahvusvaheline Lasteaed
We take great pride in announcing the Pingu’s English Kindergarten program as the latest addition to our English Language Teaching range in 2017 in collaboration with Kingston University.
The first of its kind
The first in the world to combine over a century of language teaching experience with a globally recognized TV character and brand, the program’s unique international curriculum has been developed in collaboration with Kingston University’s renowned School of Education.
Pingu’s English is leading the way in the burgeoning International Kindergarten market, combining an immediately recognizable brand with advanced teaching to create an irresistible combination for parents and investors alike. We look forward to bringing this exciting opportunity to our partners from 2017, and to helping children around the world to get the head-start in education that they deserve.
Rahvusvaheline lasteaia õppekava
Pingu’s Englishi lasteaia õppekava – kooskõlas Varajase Aastate Sihtasutuse Etapi raamistikuga (EYSF) – pakub hoolikalt planeeritud ja selgelt määratletud hariduslikke juhiseid, mis võimaldavad varajases eas keeleõppijatel omandada teadmised, oskused ja arusaamise, mida nad vajavad inglise keele enesekindlaks kasutamiseks.
Kingston University School of Education
Kingstoni Ülikooli Hariduskool on Londonis parim õpetajakoolitusasutus ning kuulub Ühendkuningriigis kuue parima hulka. See on kantud maailmas tunnustatud Times Higher Educationi lisasse üheks 150 parima noore ülikooli hulka maailmas.
Willian Veloso Rocha
Pingu’s English Franchisee in State of São Paulo

Giedre Paula
Pingu’s English Franchisee in State of Mato Grosso do Sul

Piyatida Tudteam
Student's Mother

Students Mother

Léia Rodrigues
Students mother

Students Father